
Error: Unsupported Browser

What happened?

The browser you are attempting to use to access Intelitest is not supported. Intelitest supports the following browser and operating system combinations:

Microsoft Windows XP or later Windows operating system

·         Internet Explorer 7

·         Internet Explorer 8 or Internet Explorer 9  in Compatibility View mode

·         Firefox 3.5  with the Internet Explorer Plug-in for Firefox

How will this affect you?

You will not be able to load or access the Intelitest web application.

What action can you take?

You meet the necessary browser and operating system combinations by performing one or more of the following options:

·         If you are running Internet Explorer 8 or Internet Explorer 9, you can enable compatibility view mode by performing the following tasks:

      1.       Click on the Tools menu item, and select Compatibility View Settings.

      2.       In the Compatibility View Settings dialog box, add to the list.

      3.       Click on Close to close the dialog box.

      4.       Access the Intelitest web site; you can verify compatibility view mode by clicking on the Tools menu item in
               Internet Explorer, and seeing that the Compatibility View option is checked.


·         If you are running Firefox 3.5 and need the Internet Explorer plug-in, download the plug-in and follow the accompanying instructions.